The Senate just cleared the major procedural vote to move forward on a bipartisan infrastructure package. The full text is not yet released (and may not even be written yet), but based on a robust outline, here are some great highlights for oceans, ports, coastal resilience, and science:

Research and Science
$6 billion for Army Corps of Engineers construction projects, including coastal storm risk management/hurricane and storm damage reduction projects.
$492 million for NOAA National Coastal Resiliency Fund, a partnership with National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF).
$491 million for NOAA Community-Based Restoration Project, which helps buffer shorelines from erosion, reducing flooding, and removing hazardous structures.
$492 million for NOAA mapping, observations, and modeling.
$25m for NOAA National Mesonet Program for acquisition and use of data generated by the Upper Missouri River Basin.
$200 million for the NOAA Marine Debris Program.
$275 million for Save Our Seas 2.0 Post-consumer Materials Management Grants ($55 million/year).
Resiliency - Ecosystems
$500 million Army Corps Ecosystem Restoration
$1 million for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
$207 million for Coastal Zone Management Program
$77 million for National Estuarine Research Reserve System
$172 million for Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
$56 million for Regional Ocean Partnerships
$150 million for Oceans and Coastal Observations
Maritime Shipping and Infrastructure
$7.5 billion for Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants.
$455 million per year over 5 years for DOT's Port Infrastructure Development Program (PDIP) and Marine Highways Program (MHP) to improve infrastructure, reduce or eliminate pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.